Ash postado 3 bloaz 'zo

For you guys who have around along time you will recognise today's guest who is also a good friend of mine. He's been around in the community for a long time and as always run a variation of this hog princess deck. He's recently added the e-spirit into the deck to replace the ice spirit and is currently using the mini pekka due to her most recent buff. Hog is a free to play friendly win condition but this deck is fairly high skill and mastering it will definitely improve your overall game play. Try to get value from every card you use, you should aim to get chip with the log every time you play it. Your archers and princess are both low HP units so don't give your opponent spell value by playing them to close together. The princess can be played opposite lane or behind your towers.

Estatísticas dos Decks
Custo de elixir
Nível de arena
Raridade das cartas
Tipos de cartas
Guia de cartas
Hog Rider

Hog rider is your main win condition and can be used throughout the match the keep applying offensive pressure, this will allow you to play defence through offence. Almost every card in this deck can be used to support the hog rider and allow you to get extra chip damage. Try to out cycle the opponents key defensive units like buildings, tornado or fisherman.

Ice Golem

For only two elixir this card can offer a lot of value. On offence you can use him as a glass tank for your hog rider, princess or even the archers. On defence he works well at kiting units away from your towers or temporarily distracting the opponent troops. His frost nova can also be used to take out bats or skeletons.


As you can see from the live matches in today's video this card is incredibly important and learning when to use it or when to save it can be the difference between winning and losing. I highly recommend saving this card until you know what deck the opponent is playing. Early game you might need to use this card on defence to take out units like balloon, try to get ad much value from this card as possible. Towards the end of the match you can use this card, alongside the log, to spell cycle, you should only do this if you don't require the rocket for defence and your opponents win condition is out of cycle.

Plano para o início da etapa

The best starting plays according to Simple are either the hog rider at the bridge or splitting archers in the back. You can also cycle e-spirit or log to get to the cards you need early game. In single elixir you should learn what deck the opponent is playing and what counters they have to your hog rider. You can tower trade if you know you can't defend a push.

Plano de jogo da última etapa

In double elixir and over time you need to keep up the offensive pressure to prevent the opponent investing all their elixir on offence. Try to out cycle the opponent, you can even apply dual lane pressure. Remember to protect your princess and try to play her as much as possible. Once the opponents tower is around 1000HP you can begin spell cycling

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