Newest Version of Hog Cycle (#1 Deck in World)
clash with ash publicado hace 6 años

This is an updated version of Hog Cycle. In a way it's also a hybrid of the standard bait deck. Taking the two most powerful archetypes for ladder and combining them.

One of the many reasons this deck is so strong is it's versatility. If your opponent has several counters for Hog Rider you can simply chip/bait and finish them off with a Rocket or Rocket cycle.

Tornado and Princess add tremendous value defensively as well. Overall this an aggressive but robust deck.

Estadísticas del Mazo
Coste de elixir
Nivel de Arena
Tipos de cartas
Guías de cartas

The Princess will be played mostly behind your tower in this deck. She is your best defensive card and should not be wasted at the bridge unless you need to finish off a tower in double elixir time or get a tower into Rocket range.

Combine her with Tornado to be rid of swarm troops such as minions or goblins.


Tornado is a key defensive card in this deck. You should activate King Tower against Miner, Hog, Goblin Barrel, and even a solo Knight.

You can also use Tornado to pull units to the center of the arena or combo it with Princess to take out swarm units. When playing against beatdown you must be aggressive on offense and also use Tornado to cluster troops together defensively.

Hog Rider

You will be fairly aggressive with Hog but I would not recommend playing him at the start of the match. Let your opponent make the first move or start with a Princess in the back.

You can combine the Hog with Ice Spirit or Goblin Gang when your opponent's Log is out of rotation. You can play him behind a Knight when your opponent has Tornado or Log in cycle.

Estrategia en la etapa inicial

Start out with Princess or punish pumps with rocket. Once you have a feel for your opponent's deck you can start being aggressive with Hog when their counter is out of cycle. Use a predictive Log mid-game if your opponent is countering Hog with Goblins or Skeletons consistently. Be patient if your opponent has multiple Hog counters in hand. Simply use a solo Hog to draw out a counter and reload.

Estrategia en la etapa final

Late stages (double elixir) you can be more aggressive with Hog as you'll most likely be able to outcycle your opponent. If you're unable to get through with Hog defense for positive elixir trades and cash in with rocket cycle to finish off your opponent.

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