4 Spell Graveyard Freeze!
clash with ash publicado hace 5 años (actualizado hace 5 años )

Nicole is here today showing us her up to date graveyard deck that’s she’s currently using this meta. She’s included fireball and arrows inside this deck because of the amount of three musketeer decks she’s been facing and of course you have a counter for the three musketeers and the minion hordes. The ideal push is giant followed by graveyard however I recommend defending and counter pushing throughout the match unless you’re going for a tower trade. Freeze can be a game changer especially if you catch your opponent by surprise, it also works well defensively and it can also be used against seige decks. Giant can be used to kite troops across lanes, if you cycle him in the back make sure have have plenty of defensive units in cycle incase your opponent rushes you in the opposite lane.

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Lumber jack is very powerful and he’s a good tank killer a d you also get the benefit of the rage spell when he dies. He fits in well into the deck because of how fast paced this deck is played.

Inferno Dragon

Inferno dragon is another good tank killer. It has a good counter push potential too because it has to be answered because if they opponent ignores it then they’ll lose a tower.


Graveyard is your main win condition and should also have a unit to tank tower damage damage such as giant or lumberjack. You can use your spells to support the graveyard push depending on what your opponent plays. Check out the video to see the most optimal graveyard placements that Nicole uses while using this deck.

Estrategia en la etapa inicial

Nicole says if she has giant and three spells in hand for the start of the match she’ll make the first move however if she has witch, lumber jack or inferno dragon she’d wait for the opponent to make the first move. Always try and figure out what deck your opponent is playing and remember what units they have to counter your graveyard.

Estrategia en la etapa final

Double elixir you can start to play more aggressively, don’t be afraid to tower trade because often your opponent will over commit giving you an advantage going into over time. You can use your freeze more aggressively too and giant in the pocket with a graveyard can be a good strategy. Goodluck running this deck don’t forget to check out the video to pick up some great advice on using this deck!

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