Ash publicado hace 3 años

Today we have Faust on the channel sharing his new combo deck that he’s been using to climb to the top 100 in the world! One mistake people will often make when using this deck is going to aggressive and constantly spamming units at the bridge. You can be conservative and only apply pressure when you know your opponent is low on elixir or they don’t have a good defensive option in cycle. You main source of tower damage will come from the ram rider, bandit and magic archer. Lumber jack should be used defensively (in most situations) then you can counter push behind him and take advantage of his rage spell. Barb barrel will be your main defensive option against bait decks and you can also rely on the electro wizards enter the arena ability for bait decks, sparky, bridge spam etc. Use fireball to help make positive elixir trades, as the match progresses you can make prediction spell placements.

Estadísticas del Mazo
Coste de elixir
Nivel de Arena
Tipos de cartas
Guías de cartas
Ram Rider

Ram rider is a versatile card that can offer both defensive and offensive opportunities. It can be used against hog rider, balloon and also tanks to ‘snare’ them and buy your towers time to shut down their push.


The lumberjacks role in this deck is to help defend unless you know you have an elixir advantage then you can pressure with him at the bridge. You will mainly play him in the back to help save up more elixir as he charges towards the bridge. You can use ram rider into his rage spell if you know your opponent has a bad card cycle and they don’t have any good defensive options.

Magic Archer

Magic archer can offer a lot of defensive value and he’s also a great support card for your offensive pushes in double elixir. Placement is key with this guy because it can be the difference between winning and losing a match if you can get chip from his long range throughout the match.

Estrategia en la etapa inicial

Early game play defensively and apply light pressure if you get the opportunity. Use the time in single elixir to learn what deck the opponent is playing and track their card cycle as you head into double elixir.

Estrategia en la etapa final

Once you’re in double elixir try to bait out their key counters before spamming units at the bridge. Against beat down wait until they play golem then go aggressive in the opposite lane and keep up the pressure until you three crown them. Goodluck with this deck everyone, check out he video to see if I can beat Faust!

Mazos populares
based on 23.491 games
22.909 crowns per game
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