Ultimate Meta Destroyer!!!
clash with ash posté il y a 5 ans (mis à jour il y a 5 ans )

This is an unusual hog rider that is currently been used on top ladder. This is a triple spell deck that has the wizard, giant skeleton and skarmy which makes it incredibly strong on defence and gives you a good counter push potential. The knight is often underrated too but he’s strong on defence because he can help defend against tanks while also been a mini tank himself. The hog rider should be used to pressure your opponent and try to get that chip damage throughout the match. He should be played after a successful defensive sequence or more during double elixir. Take all the spell value you can throughout the match.

Statistiques du Deck
Coût en élixir
Niveau d’arène
Rareté des cartes
Type de cartes
Guides par carte
Giant Skeleton

Giant skeleton is often underrated but as we recently discussed in another video this card has one of the highest win rates in the whole game. He’s great to use defensively and completely block up a lane, his death damage is what give him his really value because it can take out all of the opponents support troops, if they’re fast moving you can use Tornado to pull their units into the radius of the bomb. He has a lot of counter push potential to and is great to play your hog rider behind so you can pressure the opponent on a counter push.

Skeleton Army

The reason skarmy is so strong is because of the low use rates of cards like log and zap which can completely counter this card. So if your opponent doesn’t have these cards then this is a good counter to use against heavy tanks, goblin barrels and charging units like prince, battle ram, bandit and ram rider. Play it closer to your tower so it’s out of the range of the barbarian barrel.


Wizard is your only direct air defensive troops so if you’re up against air decks pull rely on this card a lot for defence. He’s great to synergies with the Tornado to help defend against those bigger pushes from your opponents.

Stratégie en début de partie

Early game try to activate your king tower like you should do with any deck that includes the Tornado. For opening plays the knight is a great card to play behind your king tower or if you like to play more aggressively you could play the hog at the bridge to see how your opponent counters this card. I would recommend waiting around 20 seconds before making the first play. Always track the cards in the opponents cycle that can counter your hog rider, these cards include units like mini pekka, canon, tombstone and tornado.

Stratégie en fin de partie

During double elixir you should still focus on defending and then counter pushing your opponent. If you’ve taken a tower already apply light pressure in the opposite lane to the one your opponent is pushing to force them to defend. You can begin to spell cycle if their towers are around 1000HP and you know you can get the hog to their tower. Goodluck running this deck check out the video to see how this deck is played against different matchups.

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