Golem Magic Archer Deck | Meta Defensive Beatdown Ladder Deck | Clash Royale
DaRealLegend posté il y a 4 ans (mis à jour il y a 4 ans)

With the recent nerf to the Pekka, Golem decks have become a dominant choice in the meta. This deck al;so includes the recently buffed Magic Archer. The magic archer pairs well with the tornado spell and compliments the ice wizard, dark prince and mega minion for crowd control and supporting the golem.

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Statistiques du Deck
Coût en élixir
Niveau d’arène
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Type de cartes
Guides par carte
Magic Archer

The magic archer will support the golem and is excellent to lock on to pesky units like the wizard and can clear thru the spawn skeletons of the witch and do damage against her and even the tower depending on the placement. With the recent buff he is able to shred thru units and play a role similar to a marksman in MOBAs

Electro Wizard

The E wiz will protect the golem from inferno dragons and inferno towers and other charging units like the prince and dark prince and bandit

Ice Wizard

The ice wizard will protect the golem from swarm units like minions, skeletons, and goblins and will assist in slowing down the attacking tank units

Stratégie en début de partie

The idea is to initially defend and wait until you can play the golem paired with the mega minion and a magic archer, ice wizard or electro wizard, Drop the golem behind the king's tower unless the opponent used a golem counter. If they used a counter, punish your opponent and drop the golem in front of your splash troops and save enough elixir to defend or support the golem.,

Stratégie en fin de partie

Same strategy but defending can be prioritized since a solo golem push can allow you to control the pace of the match and stack once the golem reaches the bridge of the lane. Don't overextend and don't be overzealous on a push and you can support yopur golem and defend a possible opposite lane push.

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