Most TOXIC Deck!
Ash posté il y a 4 ans (mis à jour il y a 4 ans)

Today we have LaPoKaTi on the channel playing this deck and he recently reached #1 in the world using this dirty deck! You have two win conditions in this deck, the royal giant and the miner. Both can be used to acquire tower damage throughout the match, you will most likely rely on miner in single elixir and Royal giant in double elixir. The executioner and Tornado will still be one of the strongest defensive combos in the game even after the exe nerf. Don’t use this deck too aggressively, defending efficiently and counter pushing is the safest way to play this deck!

Statistiques du Deck
Coût en élixir
Niveau d’arène
Rareté des cartes
Type de cartes
Guides par carte

Miner is a great card, his versatility from been able to be played anywhere in the arena is what makes him really strong! You might need to use him against ranges units like princess, dart goblin or even magic archer. Use him to chip away at the opponents tower throughout the match as and when you get the opportunity.


Knight is a great mini tank and can be used to help defend against a variety of units in the game. He can tank damage from baby dragons or help take down a musketeer, mega knight, Valkyrie or a miner. Counter push with him if you get the opportunity.


Fireball is one of three spells inside this deck. It’s great to use both defensively and offensively, always try to get good value when using your spells because you don’t get counter push potential like you would if you used a troop to defend. You can also use this cardigan in overtime to spell cycle if you’re struggling to break through their defence.

Stratégie en début de partie

In single elixir you should aim to activate your king tower using your Tornado if you get the opportunity. Play reactively and don’t go to aggressive until you know what deck your opponent is playing! Against quicker cycle decks you’ll be aiming to not be at a tower damage disadvantage going into double elixir and against heavier decks you should have the tower damage lead going into double elixir!

Stratégie en fin de partie

In double elixir you can start to pressure with the royal giant and miner combo and also fully support your counter pushes. You should know what cards the opponent has in cycle so you can make prediction plays if you feel confident. Good luck with this deck everyone!

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