Strong Anti-Meta Deck!
clash with ash posted 5 years ago (updated 5 years ago )

This is a strong control deck for this meta and it is also incredibly forgiving if you make a misplay or a mistake as long as you don’t go to aggressive at the wrong time. This deck doesn’t have a single win condition so you rely on getting chip damage throughout the match and having a good strong counter push. This deck has a spell bait element especially for fireball and posion which are in pretty much every deck. So make sure you space your units outs and avoid playing the magic archer for flying machine close to each other, close to the tower or near the barbarian hut where they can get a lot of value. You can also split lane push with this deck especially with the barbarian hut down one lane and then the canon kart or flying machine in the other.

Deck Stats
Elixir Cost
Arena Level
Card Rarities
Card Types
Cards Guides
Royal Ghost

Royal Ghost can be a tricky card for your opponent to counter and will often force them to spend more than 3 elixir to counter him. He is a great card to play at the bridge or behind your counter push units.

Magic Archer

You can get a lot of value from this guy especially if you can chip away at their tower while damaging another troop, so placement is key as you can’t see in my video. This card can also be played opposite lane or even behind your king (to snipe a graveyard) to chip away at their troops and avoid giving them spell value.

Cannon Cart

Canon cart is a good car to play in the pocket if you need to get chip damage in order to win the game. It has a relatively long range so use this to your advantage and play it as far away from their push as possible to allow it to stay alive as long as possible. You can even play it opposite lane so you can push the other lane if required.

Early Stage Gameplan

Royal Ghost is a good opening play, I’d avoid playing the barbarian hut straight away unless they make the first move, this is because it is a heavy elixir investment and you could be easily punished. Once the game is well underway you can then start to stack up barbarian huts providing you space they out to avoid giving your opponent spell value. Early game I would try to play fairly passively and just focus on defence, use the magic archer wisely to try and chip away at their tower.

Late Stage Gameplan

Later game you will be able to apply pressure opposite lane especially if they’re running a fairly heavy deck. You can start to support your pushes even more and take good value with the fireball if the opponent plays their cards to close to fair tower providing they’re not trying to bait out your spell. Goodluck running this deck everyone make sure to check out the video to see how Seegs handles some tricky matchups and how he chips away at their towers throughout the game.

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