Goblin Giant Sparky!
clash with ash posted 5 years ago (updated 5 years ago)

I’ve seen this deck floating around for a few days and today Tobi SpiritHawk is on my channel playing this deck live on ladder. Goblin Giant hasn’t had a high use rate since his release but in my opinion he compliments this deck very well. Usually in sparky decks you have to combo the giant and sparky with another support unit however because of the invulnerable spear goblins you don’t have to spend as much elixir to support your push. The goblins giant is a card best used offensively either playing at the bridge in front of your pushes or using him to kite units. Sparky should be played behind your king tower, unless the opponent is running rocket, to allow her time to charge up and if the opponent plays a card opposite lane you can use the goblin giant to kite their units into the same lane as your sparky. The bats and spear goblins both act as a zap bait which you should use to your advantage to apply extra pressure with the sparky.

Deck Stats
Elixir Cost
Arena Level
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Cards Guides

Sparky can offer a lot of value and often force you opponent to spend more than six elixir to defend her. The best time to play her is when your opponents win condition is out of hand. Use he zap spell to support her especially against decks with goblins, bats or skeletons.

Goblin Giant

This guy has a lot of counter push potential so try to use him to defend graveyard, miners or help take down swarm units before you counter push. He is also the main tank you will use in front of your sparky.

Early Stage Gameplan

Spear goblins are a great opening play because they can easily bait out a zap but often the opponent will just ignore them and give you free chip damage. If you don’t have spear goblins in cycle then you can play royal ghost at the bridge or simply wait for the opponent to make to first move. Play passively until you know what your opponent is playing and don’t offer your opponent a lot of value by playing to many cards close together.

Late Stage Gameplan

Later game you can start you mount larger counter pushes or apply opposite lane pressure if their win condition is out of cycle. Use the spells to support your pushes and try to chip away at their tower HP too. Use the zap to retarget their tower if required. Goodluck running this deck make sure you check out the video in the link above to see move live ladder game play!

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