New Meta Xbow Deck!
Ash Hole ❤️ posted 5 years ago (updated 5 years ago)

This is a fairly new deck that’s been increasing in popularity since the recent xbow buff. The inferno tower is also incredibly strong right now because a lot of people are running snowball which means they don’t have a reset unit making this deck great against tanks and beat down. A lot of xbow decks you simply require just one tower lock before you can begin to spell cycle. However because this deck is slightly more expensive than the original 2.9 Xbow cycle you shouldn’t over commit protecting that xbow! Let it go and save for a new xbow. Against lava hound, such as the lava hound clone deck, you should try to play same play, make good elixir trades and cycle your defence cards to support you xbow. Make sure you place the xbow as soon as they’ve played their lava hound because this is the time they’ll have the least elixir to defend. Against bait decks you have the log, guards, ewiz and fireball to help aid your defence as well as the Tesla. If you’re up against a bridge spam deck, play patiently, make positive elixir trades and wait for a good opportunity to play the xbow such as when they’ve played their pekka. Against graveyard try to play opposite lane when possible however if you’ve defended and are counter pushing play in the same lane.

Deck Stats
Elixir Cost
Arena Level
Card Rarities
Card Types
Cards Guides
Electro Wizard

Ewiz is a great support card to use defensively and then you can counter push with this unit too. His enter the arena ability effectively gives you a third spell in this deck. Ewiz is you’re only unit capable of truly resetting a unit. This make him good to play against sparky, which is incredibly popular right now.

The Log

Log is your small spell, you’ll rely on this card to defend against barb barrels and other bait units. You can also play this card to support your xbow or protect it from units like princess or dart goblin.

Inferno Tower

With the lack reset units I’m the meta right now this card can offer a lot of value defensively. Most of the time you’ll play it to defend the opponents pushes however if the opponent doesn’t have zap, ewiz, EDrag or lightening you can play it similar to a Tesla. By this I mean you play play it more aggressively to support your xbow but this is extremely matchup dependent.

Early Stage Gameplan

As with any xbow deck it’s important to figure out what deck the opponent is play as early as possible and what counters they have to your deck. For example if they have ewiz you can’t play inferno tower to close to the river unless it is out of cycle.

Late Stage Gameplan

With xbow you will play fairly similar to how to use the deck during single elixir, however you should now know what cards the opponent has and what they’re likely to use to defend the you xbow. You can begin to spell cycle your opponent isn’t you’re struggling to get a tower lock. Just make sure you play defensive and make positive elixir trades to avoid throwing away the game. Good luck if you choose to pick up this deck! Check out the video to see live game play and join myself and two pro guests on voice!

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