Ash posted 3 years ago

Today we have the German pro player, Flobby on the channel sharing his new ladder deck. This deck is so strong because the skeleton army ( skarmy) can offer so much value against heavier tanks and if the opponent zaps then they can't respond to your bats or your charging prince. When using a golem deck sometimes you have to take some tower damage in order to be able to invest more elixir offensively. Against graveyard the skarmy and bats are both great counters, if you find yourself up against x-bow or mortar try to play opposite lane in single elixir then same lane once you hit double elixir. Skeleton dragons can be split to used to help protect your towers, since they only cost four elixir.

Deck Stats
Elixir Cost
Arena Level
Card Rarities
Card Types
Cards Guides

Playing golem in the back and building up a push behind him is what you should be aiming to do with this deck. The night witch and prince are both great support cards. Use your spells to help keep him alive as long as possible. Never use this card as the first play UNLESS you're happy to take some damage from a miner, barrel etc.

Skeleton Army

Skarmy is often underrated because it is such a high risk high reward card. However it is a great counter to a lot of win conditions in the game from 8 elixir tanks to a 3 elixir miner. If the opponent uses zap against his card you can use bats or prince in its place.


You should aim to get as much value from lightening as possible, it's also a great counter to inferno tower and can easily take down wizards, executioner, magic archer etc. Try to make positive elixir trades when using this card.

Early Stage Gameplan

Generally you should wait for the opponent to make the first play when using this deck, however if the opponent goes with miner you can instantly play golem. Learn what deck the opponent is playing and try to punish them if they don't have a good counter in cycle.

Late Stage Gameplan

Double elixir is the time you can begin to ramp up the pressure and use your spells to support your pushes. Keep up the pressure if you feel your opponent is low on elixir or they don't have a great counter in cycle. Good luck with this deck everyone!

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