So This is What Log Bait has Become in 2022...
Ash posted 1 year ago

If you thought you knew what log bait was you haven't seen anything yet. Keep up constant pressure during the entirety of the match with Goblin Barrels, Mirror Goblin Barrels, and the princess/dart goblin. Use the 3 card cycle from the mighty miner to spam even more bait units than previously possible.

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Cards Guides
Goblin Barrel

The goblin barrel is the main win condition of the deck, use the mirror and the mighty miner 3 card cycle to play as many of them throughout the match as possible.


The princess could be considered to be a secondary win condition because you can play her at the bridge in moments where your opponent would least expect it to get chip throughout the match.


The cannon is the main defensive card in this deck, use it to DPS and distract building targeting units.

Early Stage Gameplan

In the early stages try to pressure hard with goblin barrels and lean heavily on your dart gob to clean up counter pushes. Don't be overly aggressive with mirrored goblin barrels especially if you know your opponent has a cheap counter in cycle.

Late Stage Gameplan

In the late stages of the game, you can pressure even more than you could before so let those mirrored goblin barrels fly! Make sure to use your 3 card cycle to help on defense also by getting multiple cannons and royal deliveries down.

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