DaRealLegend aggiunto 6 anni fa (aggiornato 6 anni fa )

Hey Folks ! With the recent popularity of the goblin hut, skeleton barrel, flying machine and furnace, I came up with a Pekka Control deck that will allow you to counter the spawners and Royal Ghost. We pair the Pekka with the Princess & Ice Wizard, so let's check out the guide.

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The princess will provide incredible support against the spawners from a distance or from the opposite lane. This will eliminate a stack or pile up of spawning troops and will allow your push to creep up the lane. You must remember to keep the princess out of harm's way due to her low hp and definitely drop her if your opponent drops a zap on the minions or you can conclude that they don't have a log in their deck

Ice Wizard

The Ice Wizard has become such an important card after its buff and it plays a huge role against skeleton barrels, flying machines, goblin gangs, skeleton armies, minions, guards and barbarians. The ice wizard will support your Pekka, Knight, Or baby dragon


The Pekka will serve as your defensive secret weapon against e barbs, Golems and tanks and anything your knight is unable to counter. Once you defend and stop a push, you can easily start supporting the Pekka for an insane counter push

Prima fase di gioco

Begin the match with either your knight, baby dragon or ice wizard behind the king's tower. This will allow you to determine your opponent's beginning hand and will let you cycle cards to support your tanks. This will allow you a chance to defend lanes and quickly drop a musketeer or minions to help the knight, baby dragon or ice wizard defend or start a push. The princess will provide you support from a distance or the opposite the lane. Since the deck is 3.6 elixir, you can really cycle thru your cards by only using the pekka for defense against high powered troops or tanks.

Ultima fase di gioco

In 2x time, feel free now to start pushes with your pekka and effectively defend and stack support troops to protect the pekka. Remember to space out the troops because a rocket or fireball will wipe them out.

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